Grab bags full of materials for 50-75% off... hell yeah.
We've got an assortment of scrap fabric, zippers, webbing, elastic, and other stuff that we don't want to throw away, but we'll sell it to you for cheap. We accumulate this stuff over a few months and then list it till it’s gone.
How this works:
- No bitching about what you get
- All items are from our production floor and some have minor blemishes, cosmetic defects, or errors in the laser-cutting process.
- Materials, grab-bag, fabric, and other supplies will be large enough for you to sew pouches and other small gear pieces at home. Some pieces are skinny, some are wider or irregularly shaped, and others are cut-offs.
- Fabric edge strips are from the selvage and would be great for binding raw edges or very narrow projects. These strips are of assorted colors and widths from 3/4" to 1.5" and sometimes include raw edges and uneven cuts. There are sometimes blemishes in these strips as well, but that's why they're cheap. We don't like wasting fabric, so if you want them, we'd be happy to help.
- All sales are final
- The warranty policy does not apply on these items