THULS - Blank / Grid / Lined Cards
Battle Board® gear is guaranteed to be free from defects in materials, craftsmanship, and product failures for life.
See the FAQ page for more details
We want you to be 100% satisfied with your Battle Board purchase so we will accept your return/exchange anytime. If there is a warranty issue with your order, we will we'll cover the cost of shipping back to us. Shipping for exchanges or returns of non-warranty issues are non-refundable and will incur a calculated fee for the return shipping back to our warehouse.
Your return or exchange must be unused, in its original packaging, and with all protective films intact. Products returned that are used, missing original packaging, or have had their protective films removed will not qualify for a refund. A return that is received by Battle Board that does not conform with the above policies may be shipped back to the customer at their expense.
See the FAQ page for more details